
About using this website:

By using this website welovepathankot.com you are accepting all the terms of this disclaimer notice.

While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the content provided in this website even though you are advised to confirm it from other sources as well. At the same time, if you find something wrong/inaccurate you can also write to us at welovepathankot@gmail.com for the removal or suggestions. 

All the images on this website are either owned by welovepathankot.com or its partners/volunteers you are advised to give proper credit if you’re using any of them anywhere. 

External Links and Information

We try to add quality external links in order to complete the information but that links or content on them are not provided by us, or our affiliates in any means. 

Other Information

We Love Pathankot provides information from warriors sources such as our own team members, direct owners of the services/business we write about and we are not limited to one person or sources so please make sure you are aware of this.

We do not ask for any of your personal information for selling or marketing purposes. Please give your feedback on the comment.